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About Kathryn Chess

Hi, I’m so happy you’re here!


I am Kathryn Chess your Nutritionist and Joyful Living Coach.

As a life-long learner, my vision has been to create a legacy of helping women to discover more joy, pleasure and great health. I took a leap of faith toward my goal and went back to school and earned my Bachelor of Science degree from Clayton College of Natural Health and My Health Coaching Certificate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Also, I trained in Sarah Gottfried’s Hormone Cure.

I’ve studied hundreds of dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve been so honored to have guided hundreds of women through the process of reconnecting with the brilliance and wisdom of their own bodies -- teaching them to know they deserve to live a life they love, and helping them find the joy and pleasure that makes life worth living.

I am your gal to help you discover the life you dream of because I’ve been where you are.


At 33, I was overwhelmed, widowed, fat, frumpy, a high-powered saleswoman and raising a highly active 7-year old son. Self-care and self-love were last on my list. I was always trying to be everything for everyone. I desperately wanted to feel good. I went from doctor to doctor and all that conventional medicine had to offer was a little thyroid pill. On the outside, all appeared well and inside I was craving the need to surrender, slow down and breathe.

Feeling fantastic comes from giving your body amazing food, moving in a way your body loves, using the right supplements for you and getting enough sleep.


There’s one more component many of us don’t consider. It’s the way you think. Your mindset is what gives you the consistency to believe you deserve to give your body exactly what it needs. 

Want to create a body and life you love?

Joyful Living with Kathryn Chess is built on a bedrock of love, a passion for what is possible and a commitment to be an unstoppable force for your good.
I’m standing for your success. I love you and more importantly, I help you to love yourself.

Kathryn Chess

Cookbook and Programs

Our digital cookboks and programs are designed to work create the body and life you love

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Healthy Treats Online Program

Access a Healthy Dessert Cookbook with Video Cooking Series to help you discover YOUR Healthy, Happy and Balanced Life.

10-Day Detox Online Program

Access the 10-Day Detox Online Program that gives you the Simple Step-By-Step Transformational Tools to create a body and life you love.

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21-Day Craving Kicker Challenge Online Program

Access my 21-Day Challenge gives YOU Craving Sabotaging Strategies, Daily Mindset Resets and Practical Powerful Tools to FINALLY break your dependence on unhealthy foods

Confidence Creator Online Program

Access my 5-Day Mini Course to Create YOUR confidence and realize your full potential.

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Eat Your Way to Healthy Online Program

Access my 6-Week Program and you will experience so many Powerful & Positive shifts to live a happier and healthier life.

Feed Your Body and Soul

Get some healthy recipes you'll be able to get into the basics of things.

© 2021 Joyful Living with Kathryn Chess

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